Kyaka Bukere- Livelihood Skills - EMAP Foundation
EMAP Foundation
Services offered.
- Training in carpentry and timber work
- Tailoring and cloth making skill trainings
- Welding and metal work skilling
- Brick laying training and making for sale
- Savings scheme and business loans for trainees
- Agriculture skills in livestock and poultry keeping
- Beginner language classes for English and Swahili
Eligibility Criteria.
- Gender Based Violence survivors and vulnerable are a priority
- All who wish to learn can apply for course of choice
- Free of charge for survivors and the rest pay a small fee
- Open on referral or individual initiative
- Contact us for inquiries on;
- The facility is open all 7 days a week
- Facility is open for both men and women
- Staff at the facility speak Swahili, French and Lingala
Visiting days and Time
Monday to Friday - 08:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday and Sunday - 8:00 to 11:00am
The premises are open on public holidays
Bukere Trading Center, Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
Bukere Trading Center, Kyaka II Refugee Settlement